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2015 Results

5 Years
Abigail  - Finalist


6 Years
Brooklyn - 3rd Place

Grace  -  5th Place
Amelia - Finalist


7 Years

Emily  -  Finalist


8 Years

Cian  - 1st Place

Charlie -  2nd Place

Charlotte  - Finalist

Lucy -  Finalist

Annabel  -  Finalist

9 Years
Elyssa  - Finalist


10 Years

Sophie -  Finalist
Angelina  -  Finalist
Sarina  -  Finalist


11 Years

Josephine -  3rd Place
Chelsea   -  4th Place
Isla  - Finalist


12 Years

Ashleigh  -  2nd Place


13 Years

Daniela  -  Finalist


All Zone Finalists competed at Repechage Competition on Saturday 31st October. Emily, Annabel,
Angelina & Sarina made it through to the Semi Finals. Elyssa, Sophie and Isla made it through to the Finals. 



Grace, Brooklyn, Cian, Charlie, Chelsea, Joey and Ashleigh competed at the
State Sports Centre for the National Championship Finals last Sunday.

Ashleigh made it through to the National Semi Finals and Cian, Charlie and Joey made it through
to the National Grand Final. All girls worked brilliantly.

All of our girls worked brilliantly and we are all very proud.



On Sunday 1st November, Caitlin, Cara, Amy and Ange competed in Seniors
Champion Girl at Homebush State Sports Centre. All of our seniors performed at the highest level.  Ange has been selected to compete in the National Finalists at theOpera House on Monday 30th November. We wish her the very best of luck from
the entire club. Congratulations to all seniors who competed.



On Sunday 18th October, On Saturday, 17th October, Allyson, Karyn, Nicole, Alana & Kate competed in Zone Champion Lady at Forestville. Karyn and Kate made the Semi Final in their sections, Allyson and Nicole made the Zone final. 


In the Intermediate section, Alana was awarded 5th Place and moved onto National championships on Wednesday 3rd November.
Alana performed brilliantly at Nationals and made it through to the Intermediate Ladies National Final. 


On Sunday 25th October, the Over 43’s and Over 53’s National Champion Lady competition was held at the Whitlam Centre at Liverpool.  Four of our ladies, Meredith, Julie, Marg, Sue & Lynne, competed on the day, with Lynne making the National Semi Finals.
Sue, Marg and Julie making it through to the National Grand Final.

Julie was awarded 2nd Place and Marg was awarded 5th Place. 


Congratulations to all ladies who competed this year. We are all so very proud
of your achievements and look forward to joining you next year.



In 2015 North Ryde Physie entered 12 Teams from 5 years to Ladies. Each of our teams performed at the highest standard on the day.

The level ofsportsmanship, team spirit, club pride and friendship was out of this world. 


Our Team Motto “Girls that Physie together, stay together” is one that will love on for many years to come.
Congratulations to every member who took the floor this year in one our teams, you have done both yourself and your club proud.


9 & 10 Blue   - 1st Place in Section

7 & 8 Blue  - 2nd Place

11 & 12 Blue -  3rd Place

Open Under Ladies  -  4th Place

Open Over Ladies - 5th Place



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